Can a Job Candidate Develop Their Weaknesses?
When evaluating job candidates, pre-employment personality tests can reveal much about a person’s strengths and possible areas of concern. The question then arises: should employers take a chance on candidates whose results indicate there are potential weaknesses that...
Who Should Resell Pre-Employment Personality Tests?
Well-developed pre-employment personality tests can help employers find candidates whose traits are well-suited for specific job roles, saving time and improving the quality of hiring decisions. Increasingly, these tests are bundled with HR services provided by...
Lifelong Learning Shapes Modern Work Culture
Gone are the days when job-related learning took place prior to employment. Here is the time when lifelong learning carries the day. Some 54% of the workforce will need to upskill or reskill by year’s end, according to a recent report. Eighty-five percent of employees...
Leveraging AI in Recruiting & Hiring
As the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business operations becomes more prevalent, its application in recruiting and hiring is gaining momentum. This trend is reshaping how companies approach talent acquisition, offering innovative ways to...
Mechanical Reasoning Testing: High Scorers vs. Low Scorers
Understanding the mechanical reasoning aptitude of potential hires is crucial in numerous industries, particularly those that require the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of complex machinery. The Mechanical Reasoning Aptitude Test, offered through Resource...
Online Pre-Employment Applications Save Time, But Require Follow Up
The increasing use of online hiring tools allows employers to screen a large pool of candidates in a fraction of the time it would take to sort through piles of resumes and interview mismatched candidates. But the ease of process employers gain using digital hiring...
Personality Assessment Terms Worth Knowing, Part 1: Big 5 Traits
Personality tests seem ever-present in culture. As fun diversions in magazines and social media, as behavior predictors for marketers, and as indicators of which traits a candidate is likely to display at work, personality tests are often viewed as both entertaining...
Beyond Selection: Using Personality Tests for Internal Promotions & Team Building
We have discussed many aspects of the applicability of personality assessments for the workplace, with most topics related to finding employees who are the right fit for the job. A little less than a year ago, we looked at how personality testing could be used to form...
EQ vs. IQ: Both Are Keys to Workplace Success
EQ and IQ are terms that are often confused and lumped together. However, there are some important distinctions between EQ and IQ that a hiring manager must know before attempting to utilize them as hiring evidence. IQ, “Intelligence Quotient,” measures a person’s...
Whose Job is Employee Satisfaction?
Evidence suggests that satisfied employees are productive employees. Happy workers bring increased profits, higher productivity, and lower turnover to their jobs. Who is responsible for creating satisfied employees? What factors are under employers’ purview? Do...
The Benefits of Behavioral Interviews
In a job market where candidates can exhaustively research how to best present themselves and script the answers to often-asked questions, it pays for employers to push jobseekers to think on their feet. The payoff can be immediate as the average cost of hiring a...
Don’t Waste Your Time on These 5 Interview Questions
Job interviews are an opportunity for employers to go beyond the resume and get a solid idea about the candidates they have previously met only on paper. These in-person experiences also allow candidates to form an impression of the company they might join. Often,...
Hiring Managers: Instead of That, Do This …
Interviewing job candidates is a tough task that can be compared to navigating an imaginary minefield. Understandably, interviewers often ask themselves questions like: What types of interview questions will get honest replies? Which are best to avoid because they...
The Keys to Hiring Repetitive-Task Workers
Sourcing candidates who are well-suited to jobs that require repetitive and mundane tasks —such as those often associated with data entry or technical writing positions — is often a unique challenge for hiring managers. While there are likely to be applicants who...
Test Length Often Overemphasized, Other Factors Matter More
In some hiring circles, there is a misplaced belief that shorter pre-employment assessments are preferable because they result in far more candidates completing the test and continuing with the application process. But evidence suggests differently. The drop-off is...
A Closer Look at Conscientiousness: A More Complex Trait Than Meets the Eye
The term “Conscientious” prompts thoughts of being prepared, on time, organized and responsible. When discussing behaviors associated with individuals who possess a high level of the Big 5 personality trait Conscientiousness, it suggests all of those things. Perhaps...
Hybrid Work Is Here to Stay – Is Your Workforce Ready?
If you are hiring candidates for positions where they will be required to work partially or entirely from their home office, consider assessing their personality fit for this role with our Work from Home / Telecommuting Test. Hybrid workspaces are here to stay,...
Senior Job Seekers Bring Unique Value to Workplace
The Great Resignation sparked by the COVID pandemic and members of the Baby Boom generation aging out of the workforce simultaneously created a shortage of older, experienced workers in a labor force already facing an increased number of unfilled positions. Employers...
Can Personality Tests Improve Employee Performance in Team Settings?
Personality tests are often thought of as tools used to find the best match for an employer seeking to fill an opening. But what about finding the best fit among existing employees for a spot on a team? Personality tests can help here, too. Test for Better Team-Job...
Adjustment & Accommodation Attract Young Employees
Every industry reaches the point where they must welcome the next generation of employees into the workplace. Adjusting to changes in work environments, accommodating new technologies and meeting evolving customer expectations present significant challenges for...
How Aptitude Tests Take the Pulse of Applicant Potential
Pre-employment tests, when used judiciously, can provide a variety of predictive information about a candidate’s fit for the job and potential for success. For instance, personality tests provide evidence that helps hiring managers predict how an applicant might...
Avoid These 3 Types of Interview Questions
There are many reasons hiring managers ask convoluted, inappropriate-sounding, or downright dumb questions. Some interviewers may be inexperienced, while others are working off a tired, well-worn script. Then, there are the interviewers trying to catch candidates...
Hiring Best Practices: Blend Preparation & A Modern Approach for Job Interviews
Interviewing job candidates can be detailed, time-consuming, and tedious work. Taking the process seriously and preparing adequately, however, is essential for reasons beyond the individuals currently under consideration for a role. How you approach interviews of...
How to Anticipate & Avoid Common Hiring Pitfalls
Falling for the wrong candidate among job seekers is a common pitfall when considering job applicants. Candidates’ superficial traits can open up a host of misperceptions. A candidate’s charisma, self-presentation, or polished interview skills cloud a hiring manager’s...
Decreasing the Odds of an Employee Exit
The rise in employees quitting their jobs, or “The Great Resignation” as it is now known, gained momentum in 2021 but may be slowing. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics report released in January 2023 showed the trend in gradual decline. It’s likely not a fast enough...
Aptitude vs. Personality Testing: Which is the Better Hiring Tool?
Both Personality and Aptitude testing help hiring managers gather candidate data far beyond traditional hiring tools such as resumes, responses to job interview questions, and references. Together, these two forms of testing make it possible for employers to get a...
Hiring in a Changing Workforce: 5 Trends
As young people of the Millennial and Gen-Z age groups enter the workforce en masse in a post-pandemic environment, several lasting trends have emerged. More important than money alone is how people work—in remote or hybrid environments or switching to four-day...
Hiring Top Performers
Increasing competitiveness in the employee recruitment space means hiring managers must act decisively and use accurate and objective strategies to make timely connections with top talent. By some estimates, only 10 percent of the available candidate pool are...
The (Costly) Consequences of Rushed Hires
Those who are responsible for filling open jobs at a company often have other responsibilities competing for their attention, some of which may be more closely related to a business’s success and therefore given higher priority. Particularly in the present jobs...
Pre-employment Testing: What to Consider
Pre-employment testing can help hiring managers save time and find the right candidate for the job. There are a number of things to consider, however, to get the best results when administering pre-employment tests. Making sure candidates are matched with a test that...