Chef/Lead Cook

A short personality test tailored to a key culinary industry role.

Pre-Employment Test

Purpose: RA’s Chef/Lead Cook Test is useful for screening potential employees who will be responsible for planning, preparing, presenting and overseeing an establishment’s culinary offerings.

The Chef/Lead Cook test should be used to find creative, detail-minded and professional employees who can effectively lead a restaurant crew. The most successful candidates will be good time and budget managers, able to build and work with strong, cohesive teams, and possess the interpersonal skills to effectively interact with coworkers and patrons. They will be hard-working and accountable, setting a good example for those around them.

About This Test: This test will take most candidates approximately 15-20 minutes. It consists of 1 part:

  • An untimed personality assessment

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of personality trait scores, feedback regarding strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Testing Process:

  • Immediate score report upon completion.
  • Proctoring desirable but not required.
  • The use of mobile phones is discouraged.

Options: Testing for general mental aptitude provides additional predictive information about your candidate’s reasoning and problem-solving ability. If these skills are crucial to job success we recommend adding general cognitive ability to your screening tools. Choose between RA’s Untimed General Cognitive Aptitude Test OR Timed General Reasoning Test.

Target Group: We recommend using this test for the positions of Executive Chef, Chef De Cuisine, Sous Chef, Assistant Sous Chef, Lead Line Cook, Head Cook, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Supervisor, Food & Beverage Manager, Culinary Specialist, Caterer, Personal Chef and Private Chef, among other leadership roles in culinary settings.

Sample Personality Item:

For the statement 
on the left
I feel very strongly about it
I feel it describes me most of the time
I can’t decide between the two statements
I feel it describes me most of the time
I feel very strongly about it
For the statement 
on the right
I prefer to let others take the initiative to get things going when projects are stalled.
I prefer to take the initiative to get things going when projects are stalled.

(Sample questions differ from actual test appearance and do not contain real test content.)

The Chef/Lead Cook Evaluates:

Less Desirable Behaviors Test Content Desirable Behaviors
Timid, lacks courage to confront difficult subjects Assertiveness Willing to present their opinion and debate various options
Does not want to be responsible for the work of others Assertive Leadership Comfortable directing and controlling work of others
Fails to live up to promises Conscientiousness / Dependability Reliable, dependable
Not service minded Customer Service Orientation Enjoys serving people
More concerned about self
than customers. Stingy
with time and service
Customer Service Orientation Concerned about customer
satisfaction, giving and helpful
Dislikes detailed tasks Detail Mindedness Enjoys making sure details are in place
Higher potential for drug use Drug Use Potential Lower potential for drug use
Overreacts to stress, gets upset easily Emotional Stability / Resilience Calm, level-headed, handles stress well
Bends rules to suit own purposes Integrity Strong moral code
More focused on facts, tasks and results than employee feelings or job satisfaction Managerial Human Relations Show an active interest in the opinions and motivations of subordinates; enjoys mentoring and development.
Sticks with tried-and-true approaches, resistant to new ideas Openness Enjoys learning and new ideas, innovative
Finds fault easily, negative attitudes Optimism / Enthusiasm Believes In positive future, good motivator
Prefers to deal with staff one-on-one Team-Oriented Management Leads using a collaborative style
Does the minimum Work Drive Willing to go the extra mile

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