General Reasoning Aptitude Test

Evaluate different areas of knowledge and mental ability based on several types of reasoning including numerical, verbal, logic, and more.

Pre-Employment Test

Purpose: Our online General Reasoning Test provides a quick, easy-to-administer test of a job candidate’s general mental ability. Like most general intelligence tests, it taps several types of reasoning: Verbal reasoning, numeric reasoning, logic, math skills, spatial reasoning, and basic knowledge.

The General Reasoning Test can be used with our other tests for more in-depth analysis of candidates.

About This Test: This is a 12-minute timed General Reasoning test.

High Scorers: High scorers are quick to pick up new information, are alert to new ideas that might be applied to their jobs, are capable of grasping difficult concepts on their own, handle a large fund of information, deal with various forms of complexity in a job with ease, and are able to assess relevant factors in ambiguous situations to come up with logical, insightful decisions.

Low Scorers: Low scorers need structured learning experiences to consume new information. They need rules and procedures to guide their decision making on the job. Preferring jobs with narrow assignments and responsibilities, low scorers do not cope well with complexity or volume of information.

What the Report Gives You: Aptitude scores and interpretation guidance.

Testing Process:

  • Immediate score report upon completion.
  • Proctoring desirable but not required.
  • The use of mobile phones is discouraged.
Sample Questions for General Reasoning Test

Sample verbal reasoning item: House is to dwelling as car is to ___________.

(A) transportation
(B) traveling
(C) speed
(D) automobile
(E) mechanical

Sample numerical reasoning item: Which comes next in this series? 3 6 9 19 22 25

(A) 118
(B) 128
(C) 98
(D) 124
(E) 144

Sample logic item: Assume the first two statements are true.

  • All job candidates have to take a pre-employment test.
  • Some of the people in the room are job candidates.
  • All of the people in the room will have to take pre-employment tests.

Is the last statement: (A) True
(B) False
(C) Uncertain

(Sample questions differ from actual test appearance and do not contain real test content.)

Select Validity Information: The test correlates highly (r=.76**) with the Wonderlic Personnel Test; (r=.83**) with MAB-Verbal; (r=.91**) with MAB-Performance; and (r=.91**) with MAB-Full Scale (MAB is the Multiple Aptitude Battery). It also correlates (r=.72**) with the Resource Associates Cognitive Aptitude Test; (r=.36**) with the B scale on the 16PF; (r=.86**) with the Otis Lennon Mental Ability Test; and (r=.90**) with college grade point average (i.e. academic achievement). These data provide solid evidence that the predictive power of scores on the General Reasoning Test is very similar to other tests of general mental ability, thus demonstrating convergent validity.

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