Pattern Series / Abstract Reasoning Aptitude Test
This tool is used for predicting how fast people can learn new ideas, grasp difficult concepts, and utilize the knowledge they have been taught.
Pre-Employment Test
Purpose: This cognitive test is an excellent measure of basic mental ability. We recommend it be included whenever a company is designing an aptitude test battery. The Pattern Series Test of Abstract Reasoning is one of our best tools for predicting how fast people can learn new ideas, grasp difficult concepts, and utilize the knowledge they have been taught in a meaningful, insightful manner. If your company utilizes high tech equipment, then you need people who can reason well, learn quickly, and reason through complex problems on the job.
We recommend using this test for every job category where mental ability is an important aspect of overall performance.
About This Test: This is a 20-minute timed Pattern Series / Abstract Reasoning test.
High Scorers: People scoring high on the Pattern Series Test profit from instruction and perform at a high level on mentally challenging tasks. They tend to move quickly into the more demanding jobs in your company. High scorers also continue to grow and mature as your company’s processes change.
Low Scorers: People who do not score well on the Pattern Series Test tend to have trouble with tasks that require reasoning. Low scorers are hard to train because they require a lot of focused, supervised assistance from a supervisor or mentor. They also have difficulty applying what they have learned in formal training sessions. Complex problems tend to be incomprehensible to them, so they either guess, make a lot of mistakes, or call for help from someone more experienced and knowledgeable.
What the Report Gives You: Aptitude scores and interpretation guidance.
Testing Process:
- Immediate score report upon completion.
- Proctoring desirable but not required.
- The use of mobile phones is discouraged.
Download our Aptitude Test Catalog
View our other online pre-employment aptitude tests and find the right fit for you.(Sample questions differ from actual test appearance and do not contain real test content.)
Select Validity Information: This test was found to significantly related: (r=.42**) with teamwork; (r=.38**) with task proficiency; (r=.40**) with overall performance; (r=.42**) productivity; (r=.41**) with work quality; (r=.35**) with decrease in involuntary turnover; (r=.52*) with productivity; (r=.52*) with attendance; (r=.41**) with openness to new learning; (r=.26**) with integrity; (r=.39**) with ability to learn; (r=.31**) with judgment; (r=.29**) with proper use of time; (r=.43**) with reasoning ability; (r=.32**) with skill competence; (r=.26**) with dependability / reliability.
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